Mar 13, 2019 | Prime Time
By: Jace Bauserman The Graham Creek Interpretive Center in Foley, Alabama, was home to the first National ASA 3-D tournament of the year. From February 21-24, 2019, 44 archers took to the range in the Men’s Open Pro Division. Much of the field was comprised of...
Jul 28, 2017 | Prime Time
Peep Sights |Pros and Cons of Using a “No Peep” System It doesn’t matter the topic, in the world of archery hunting and archery equipment opinions will often vary depending upon the question, gear, or method being discussed. There are some hotheads, trolls, “experts”,...
Oct 27, 2016 | Prime Time
New 2017 Prime Target Bows New for 2017 we introduced the Prime STX39V2 and STX36V2 target archery bows. These target bows are an upgrade from the previous version in 2016. Without getting into all the fluff and hype, we will get right into it….you are wondering...
Jul 12, 2016 | Prime Time
Arrow Selection and Setup for Target Bows Selecting and shooting the right target bows for your competition archery is only the first step in becoming a pro competition archer. Where the rubber meets the road so to speak is also choosing the right arrow and arrow...