G5 Outdoors and Prime Archery are proud to announce the continued partnership with Joe Eppele, who has been representing both brands for five years. Eppele is the host of the EDGE and is on the board for the Wild Sheep Society in British Columbia.

“Throughout my entire professional athletic and hunting career I have placed a large emphasis on partnering with products, and brands that truly make me better at my craft,” said Joe. “In partnering with G5 and Prime, I can say that I am partnered with a group of individuals who are continually refining the entire experience of bow hunting. With the level of sacrifice and dedication that goes into each hunt and opportunity I need to have 100% confidence in my gear, and with G5 and Prime I know, without a doubt, that if I do my job, I will be leaving the field with a heavy pack.”

Eppele will be shooting the Prime REVEX 6 this season, along with the G5 Striker V2 and M3 Broadheads, as he pursues western big game.

“The dedication and attention to detail that Joe puts into his hunting craft is uncanny, this along with his strong conservation ties make him an ideal partner for us,” said Matt Grace, President of Grace Engineering. “We couldn’t be happier with the work Joe has done for our brands over the past five and look forward to what he has upcoming.”