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Watch The New Prime Centergy In Action

Some of the very first deer taken with the new Prime Centergy fell last week at the Proving Grounds. Grant and Daniel of GrowingDeer.TV took out the new Prime Centergy over a late season food plot in Missouri just last week. With tags in his pocket and doe management as the goal, Grant went into the hunt knowing that the number of deer far outweighed the amount of food with the less than spectacular acorn year on the farm. With the Centergy in hand, Grant felt confident in letting a few arrows fly.

Deer Hunting: Late Season Pattern Means Meat for the Freezer

These are some of the very first does taken with the Centergy, and certainly some the first deer taken on camera with the new bow! You may be wondering how…

Usually, it takes weeks and months for an archer to get enough practice in to feel comfortable enough with a new bow to pursue game. Moments after the shot Grant whispered “loving this bow so far, loving it! I usually don’t like taking a 40 yard shot the first time with the new bow…this bow holds so easy and sighted in so easy I was confident in it… Here comes another doe” and you guessed it, Grant whacked another one.

Grant is experiencing exactly what the new Centergy is designed for…an accuracy experience like no other. With the new balance point on the Centergy, more weight is shifted to the bottom of the bow. The shooter, in turn, feels a very balanced shooting platform that severely cuts down on the tempo and range of movement of your pins.  You guessed it, the resulting balance and reduction in pin movement means a quicker time sighting in the bow, leaving as little room for human error as possible.

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The new Centergy reduces the tempo, and range of motion of your pin movement.
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When aiming with other bows, your pin will have a faster tempo and a larger range of motion.
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Top heavy bows are hard to control and hard to keep on target.
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Centergy has more weight at the bottom making it easier to control.

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Check out the other features of the new Prime Centergy, Centergy Air, and Centergy Hybrid by Clicking Here!