Kenny Claims Gold For Prime

Kenny Claims Gold For Prime

By: Jace Bauserman The Graham Creek Interpretive Center in Foley, Alabama, was home to the first National ASA 3-D tournament of the year. From February 21-24, 2019, 44 archers took to the range in the Men’s Open Pro Division. Much of the field was comprised of...
Does A Longer Axle-To-Axle Bow Hinder Maneuverability?

Does A Longer Axle-To-Axle Bow Hinder Maneuverability?

Does A Longer Axle-To-Axle Bow Hinder Maneuverability?   By Jace Bauserman   “You going to take that log into the backcountry?” The words startled me. It was 3 a.m. and I assumed I had the public-access trailhead to myself. Consumed with last-minute gear checks, I...

4 Tips for Hunters Without Bucks on Camera

Feature Photo: Struttinbuck  Bow Hunting Tactics for Hunters Without Hit-List Bucks As deer seasons break open across the country, hunters now gain the ability to review their offseason preparations. It is at this moment that hunters begin to dive into weeks or...

Expert Tips for Paper Tuning Your Bow

How Paper Tune A Bow | Expert Tips for Paper Tuning a Bow Most archers either know how to paper tune a bow, know of paper tuning, or have at least heard of it, but rarely do you encounter a hunter, or even a target or competitive archer that knows the fine details. If...